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Friday, November 30, 2012

A memorable hunt indeed!

Well, for those of you who don't know me very well the picture below sums up my personality :)

I love God, Family, Hunting, Sarcasm, and Mountain Dew. I try not to take life too seriously and in the last 15 months have been reminded that life is too short for that with the passing of my mom and grandma. So when something like this mornings hunt happens....well....you just roll with the punches!

Out of desperation, I made a "natural" ground blind last week because what few deer that were moving where I can hunt were out of bow range. (see above pictures)

In two weeks of bow hunting, the deer have been moving from south to north (right to left in the picture) so it was of course only a matter of time before I would "seal the deal." Cows are now out which means the deer had "no choice" but to move exactly where I wanted them to.

This morning from 8:15-8:45 I watched 8-10 does/yearlings spring by the cows, and graze directly under the deer stand I had hunted the previous two weeks without seeing one deer come within range. However, within a few minutes a few of the smaller deer were coming at me! My hear was pounding and I was pumped. I decided to get down on my knees to ensure I wouldn't be noticed. It was at this point that I discovered A) I'm not that flexible anymore B) I was never that flexible to begin with. Even so, this was the best shot I had at harvesting a deer with my bow. I crept into range, let er' fly, and watched as my lighted knock went sailing over the intended target. Hunt over right?

Oh no my friend, 15 minutes later, a smaller doe came up the same trail from the herd that had stopped for tea and biscuits and was currently discussing politics under my stand across the creek. I won't shoot over this time.....wack! My arrow hits right below this time. Now I'm laughing to myself thinking, what are the odds?

5 minutes later 2-3 more small does come down the trail but move south right in front of my stands 15 yards away, broad side. Thank you Lord! Pull back, and as I do...I picture myself bringing deer sticks to work, stopping by to show my grandpa on the way back out of the woods....and let her go! 4 feet from my blind the arrow strikes a large branch and goes directly into the ground in front of me.

What are the odds???? That pretty much summed up by bow season and that's ok! I had a great time enjoying creation this year and while the odds start to really be stacked against me, I do still have a few more times to get out and enjoy some late season hunting.

And as they say, that's why they call it hunting!

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