1) My beautiful 1 year old daughter has picked up quite the habit. Several times already she has picked her nose, and held out the guilty finger with it's new prize towards me and said, "here ya go daddy, buger." Awesome, thanks. No really, I'm very thankful. If she keeps this up I won't have to worry about her dating until her mid 40's. I don't see any 17 year old boy thrilled at the prospect of his date picking her nose and offering him the bounty.
2) I love Iowa, but......but shoveling/blowing snow for 4 hours this morning had me asking God why my parents couldn't have met in California instead of Iowa. Seriously, for those of you reading this who happen to be from central Iowa you know too well that we got around 3 feet of heavy wet snow during the night.
I do have to say that it is beautiful! My kids and I were able to get out and play in the snow for a good 3 minutes before being blown back inside.
3) My wife is incredible. She cleans a house twice a week, puts up with me, does a great job with our kids, and is homeschooling (insert your own joke and role your eyes here) our oldest. And by homeschooling I don't mean she is locking him in the basement with a bowl of water and food until all of his work is done. She does a great job and I'm extremely thankful for her. I am not ashamed to say that I definitely married up!
4) Home Alone and The Elf have ousted It's a Wonderful Life in our house. While it's still a good back up option, a 1930's "family classic" does nothing for my young kids. All of the "life lessons" get lost in the none-HD picture quality.
5) I ran out of points, but stopping at 4 just didn't make sense. Thanks for reading and hopefully you are going to be able to spend some extra time with your family this Christmas as well. Don't forget that the real reason for the season is Christ. Don't lose sight of the fact that they precious baby was born to die for our sins. 1 Corinthians tells us that He died, was buried, and rose again on the third day. He went to the cross, was punished for our sins, and rose on the third day proving that He was and is the Son of God.