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Saturday, June 27, 2015

New Product Alert: Auto-Lock Broadheads

I met the guys from Auto-Lock last spring at an outdoors' show in New Hampshire. As luck would have it, the Outdoorsmanswap table was actually right next to theirs. A father and his sons had been brainstorming for a few years about the idea of a modified, locking-broadhead and then one day they decided to take the plunge!

I enjoyed getting to know them, they were easy to chat with, and it was clearly a family business. There business has definitely picked up over the past few months and I believe it is because they have a good product. While many of their sales are happening in the NW, I think it's a product worth looking at, even for us die-haard archery guys here in the Midwest! No, they did not pay me to write about them :) I will be putting them to the test here this summer as I continue to shoot my Matthews in preparation for the upcoming season. For $30, I figured I have nothing to lose.

You can visit their facebook page to see some more pictures and a couple videos, or their website to place an order: http://www.auto-lockbroadheads.com. If you are aware of any new archery products out there, let me know! I'd love test them out myself!

Your thought of the day comes from Colossians 3 where we are commanded to let "The Words of Christ dwell in us richly" Don't neglect spending time in God's Word today! As much as we want to be in the woods, we HAVE to be in the Word! Until next time, just GET OUT THERE! 

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