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Friday, March 6, 2015

Why use outdoorsmanswap.com?

A few years ago some friends and I got together after sharing some common frustrations; there was no place to list/buy outdoors gear on a site created by outdoorsmen for outdoorsmen. Ebay has obviously been around for a long time, but they charge you for every transaction. In addition to that, rest assured the execs there don't exactly share your appreciation for spending time in creation. Craigslist certainly has some items, but it's not designed for outdoorsmen. There is only one generic sporting goods category and it remains to be hit and miss. So, a few years back we started to brainstorm in my basement through the different possibilities.

Our goal from day one was to have it always be free. The idea of charging people for every transaction just never appealed to us. Secondly, it had to be easy to use. Not everyone of us is wired to build a computer from scratch (myself included!). And last, it needed to have a clean, professional look.

Fast forward 3 years and here we are! We really believe we have achieved those goals. While it's not perfect, it does provide a new place for outdoorsmen to post items in a safe, friendly, and supportive environment. I've always felt like it's easier to use a product when you are on the same page as the owners, and we are on your page when it comes to appreciating creation, the USA, the 2nd amendment, and traditional family values. If that is something you can support, we would love to have you switch from using Ebay and Craigslist and start using/recommending outdoorsmanswap.com.  We are 95% done, please feel free to start "pre-listing" items and encouraging your friends to do the same! We will not officially launch for a few weeks, but we would like to have as many things listed as possible before this thing is a go!

Thanks for considering our site! If you have any questions, please email me anytime for now at davism@faith.edu. Very shortly it will be mark@outdoorsmanswap.com. I would love to hear your feedback after you have gone through the process of registering and listing an item.

Until next time, just get out there! And get on outdoorsmanswap.com!

Your bald friend,

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