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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hay Bale Huntin'

Last night I tried hunting behind some hay bales in a picked corn field in an effort to have my son involved with my evening. I wasn't expecting to really have a shot at anything, I just wanted Hayden to be able so see some deer.

As "prime time" approached a black dog starting running through the corn field at us while his owner shouted all types of colorful words at him to get him back into his van which proved to be fairly fruitless. It was at this point that both Hayden and I realized the odds of us seeing anything were fairly slim, so we instead had a great conversation, Hayden tried out my buck growl deer call, and then we walked back to the truck.

While the evening didn't go quite as I had planned, it was still spent with my son, and we had a good time. I knew I hadn't turned him off from hunting for life when he asked about coming with me again the next time I went out.

Remember, memories can be made with our without big deer, and your kids are really more interested with just spending time with you, so get out there and enjoy the outdoors with your kids!

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