As the Turkey season came to a close this past week, my family and I made the transition to fishin' from hunting. While I would much rather still be out looking for birds the season has come to a close. It's amazing how I anticipate the next season for what seems like years only to see it come and go in a matter of what can only be described as a few short minutes!
Alas, time is undefeated and we have moved on to spring and summer, and that means fishing for the Davis family. As many of us do, we have a "honey-hole" that we enjoy taking our kids to (and college students when they are living with us) that has rarely let us down, and this past weekend was no exception. There is still something magical about being out with your wife and kids and seeing the excitement that comes over their faces when they watch that bobber disappear under the water! Every few casts that was the case as 8-10" bluegill were all to eager to go after a hunk of worm along with several pan sized bass as well.
As you know, if you want your wife and kids to go fishing with you, don't take them in July around 3:00PM when nothing is biting! Get them hooked this time of the year during the spawn and take them out for short periods of time. When your kids start to get bored, let them roam through your tackle box, teach them how to handle a fish or use the "big boy" fishing poles. And when all else fails, fight the temptation to force them to stay out for hours, pack up the gear, and head home. Remember, this isn't about proving a point, it's about spending quality time with your family. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend at the lake or pond with them when nothing is biting, as they grow older, they can handle more "down time."
Grace for the moment...This past weekend we were at a park with some friends from Church when it started to rain...big, heavy, cold drops seemed to come out of no where! But in a few short minutes, a beautiful rainbow appeared. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture it when it was at its strongest, but was still able to get a decent picture. What a reminder of the promises and faithfulness of God! What a sight that must have been for Noah after spending a year on a boat! Regardless of what you are going through, God is faithful! There is no temptation except what is common to man, there is no trial that God won't bring you through, and there is nothing new under the sun! Resist the temptation to embrace bitterness during life's difficult moments and instead turn to the only one who can bring you through.