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Friday, June 21, 2013

Fishing' Time!

For the first time this season I was able to catch up with one of my good friends and hit the water. Everyone has a "honey hole" that is their go to spot and we are no different! So finally on the 20th of June we made it out!
My first decent catch was a 12" Crappie. I was fishing for bluegill to take home and put on the wall and this guy came out of the water instead, not a bad way to start!
The winds finally settled down and I was able to land a couple decent bass, this one being of the 16" variety. It was nice to hear my reel work for the first time in a long time! I was fishing a 6" Pumpkin Seed Power Worm very slowly off the bottom and that proved to be the most effective way to entice bass in the later hours.
All good things must come to an end! As you know, 3 hours in the water often feels like 15 minutes and last night was no different. Zach and I were able to land several Bass, Bluegills, and one nice Crappie. Thankful for the time on the water and looking forward to doing it again soon!

Next week I will be sharing the first pictures off of my game cam. The deer are finally starting to show up! Even while I was in the boat enjoying the fishing my thoughts kept turning to the fall and deer hunting...it will be here soon enough!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Deer Feeder Part 2

Well, we finally moved our deer feeder into place this last weekend and set camera #1 out as well. This weekend we will be setting out a second camera out by our Trophy Rock. FYI, I will NEVER buy anything other than a Trophy Rock moving forward, the Bucks have already started to hammer it!
First things first....the bugs were out in full force so we sprayed down a couple home-made nets and put them on my kids before heading out into the woods and they worked great. No bites!
We picked out a flat spot down in one of the heavier traveled spots on our property by a creek with plenty of cover and water and set it up.
To level it off we set the legs into the holes of 3 bricks and tied them to a tent spike for extra stability.

 The whole process only took about 30 minutes and before we knew it we were testing the sprayer and it worked great. I was a little surprised by how far the corn flew so I cleared a pretty big area, put up the camera, and we were  good to go.

I am looking forward to seeing how the deer respond to the different attractants (shelled corn vs. the trophy rock) and to analyze what deer are moving where. We have already seen 3-4 bucks almost on a nightly basis on the trophy rock, so we will see if they venture down to take advantage of the shelled corn.

I always love seeing what is moving out in the woods and we will keep you posted in the coming weeks. As always, we appreciate your support and would love to have you list your outdoors items no longer being utilized at ourdoorsmanswap.com and tell those in your circles about the site as well!

Until next time, just get out there!